CIGRE C0 Meeting – System impacts of active prosumers & aggregation on 8 June 2021

Register: send an email to

Prosumers, active distribution systems, local flexibility, independent aggregators, distributed resources, local energy communities, peer-to-peer trading, these are some of the important buzz words in our industry today. The European Clean Energy Package has introduced rules aiming to accommodate such developments and these rules are now being implemented in the new Dutch energy act.

In this CIGRE C0 Meeting, we will discuss the system impacts of these developments. The meeting will be kicked off with two short presentations. One presentation by Ronald Jansen, senior policy officer at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate). He has been involved in the drafting of the new Dutch energy act. Ronald will explain what legal changes will be made to accommodate the new developments. The 2nd presentation will be given by Michiel Dorresteijn (senior consultant at Energy21). He has worked with Stedin on a market model (Layered Energy System) that aims to facilitate prosumers and local energy communities.

After that, the topics will be elaborated in four parallel subgroups with active participation from all attendees. Each group will get specific questions to address.
Finally, the results will be discussed in a plenary session.

CIGRE C0 is the cooperation of the Dutch CIGRE national committees C1, C2, C5 and C6. These four Study Committees focus on the system aspects of large power systems.


15:00: Start

  • Introduction by the Chair: Paul Giesbertz (Statkraft)
  • Update on recent CIGRE developments: Danny Klaar (TenneT)
  • Presentation: The new energy act; by Ronald Jansen (Ministry EZK) (in Dutch)
  • Presentation: Layered energy system pilots solving distribution grid issues; by Michiel Dorresteijn (Energy21)

    16 :00 : Break-out sessions
  • Sub-group 1 System Planning. Chair: Maksym Semenyuk (DNV)
    o What is the impact of active prosumers on system planning? Are new models and scenarios needed? How can TSOs/DSOs be better facilitated in their decision making process?
  • Sub-group 2: System Operation. Chair: Danny Klaar (TenneT)
    o Can distributed resources be used for congestion management? Can existing congestion management practices for the transmission grid be applied to distribution grids? Can distributed resources be used for system balancing without DSO involvement? Are new forms of cooperation between TSOs and DSOs needed?
  • Sub-group: 3: Markets and regulations. Chair Thijs Slot (DNV)
    o Which market arrangements and regulations are required to enable the transition? Does the new Dutch Energy Act enable these developments? Given these conditions: Which innovate business models are most promising? Does the new Dutch Energy Act sufficiently enable these business models? Are there business models that would be needed/ useful (from system perspective) but that are not enabled with this new Act? What could/ needs to change? More specific: How can distributed resources be used for congestion management without distorting the functioning of the market? Will the independent aggregator have a real added value or will retail suppliers offer similar services?
  • Sub-group 4: Technologies and digitalisation. Chair Irina Melnik (Alliander)
    o Are new platforms needed and for which functions? Are coordination tools needed for the use of distributed resources? Which configurations for e-mobility and charging are promising? What are the impacts of digitalisation on cyber security and are processes becoming too dependent on availability of platforms?

    16h30: Conclusions
  • Presentation of main findings of each sub-group
  • Plenary session

    17:00: Closure

Webinar ‘Impact of COVID on electrical power systems’ 2021

Register now for the webinar ‘Impact of COVID on electrical power systems’, 29 March from 14:00 – 15:30 (A collaborative webinar between CIGRE UK NGN and Young Cigre the Netherlands. Our webinar has the main goal to discuss types of developments and investments will be driven and motivated by the global pandemic, and conclusively what the future of the electrical grids are going to be in terms of directions as well as structures of grids.

10min, Introduction to UK NGN
30min, Dr. Mathaios Panteli and Dr. Matthias Noebels – ‘Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Resilient Are We?’
10min, Introduction to NL NGN
30min, Jan Vorrink BaSc, MBA – ‘Impact of COVID on electrical power system and the organisation of TenneT’
15min, panel discussion


‘Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Resilient Are We?’ – The Covid-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges to our power networks, making us rethink and re-evaluate our understanding of power grid resilience. In this talk, Matthias Noebels and Mathaios Panteli will share their experiences on understanding, defining and assessing power grid resilience, highlighting the need to consider organisational resilience during unexpected events like pandemics. They will also present a data-driven resilience assessment of the UK electricity network during the Covid-19 pandemic using publicly available outage data from UK distribution network operators, shedding light on how resilient we really are to cope with severe network stresses and shocks.

‘Impact of COVID on electrical power system and the organisation of TenneT’ – The COVID-19 Pandemic had several significant effects on the Electrical Power system and the TSO in Europe. The presentation will give an overview of these effects and the mitigating measures that the TSO’s applied. It will explain the organisational measures and the coordination between the TSO’s and within the TSO.


Mathaios Panteli received the M.Eng. degree from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical power engineering from The University of Manchester, U.K., in 2013. He was a Lecturer in Resilient, Low-Carbon Energy Systems at The University of Manchester until December 2020, before moving to University of Cyprus as an Assistant Professor in January 2021. Mathaios is an IEEE Senior Member, an IET Chartered Engineer (CEng), the co-chair of the CIGRE WG C4.47 “Power System Resilience” and an active member of multiple IEEE working groups. He is also the recipient of the prestigious 2018 Newton Prize.

Matthias Noebels received the M.Sc. degree in Physics from the University of Konstanz, Germany, in 2015. He is currently in his final year of his Ph.D. degree at the Centre for Doctoral Training in Power Networks at The University of Manchester. His expertise lies in resilience analysis of power networks as well as developing strategies that can enhance resilience in case of natural hazards such as extreme weather.

Jan Vorrink is the head of the Control Centres Netherlands of TenneT TSO BV which is the Dutch Transmission System Operator. Mr. Vorrink has graduated as a Master in Business Administration and is an Engineer. He is working for Ten-neT since 2002 as a Manager in several departments. The activities of his de-partment include the operational Planning processes, Realtime processes and the balancing and settlement processes.

Next Generation Showcase 2021

The CIGRE Paris Session is one of the main international events in the power industry, bringing worldwide experts together to discuss about the power industry’s future. The CIGRE Centennial Paris Session, celebrating 100 years of collaboration, will be held in August 2021 in Paris.

The Next Generation Network (NGN) Showcase is a great opportunity for students and young professionals to present their work to leading experts from all around the world. The selected candidates from the Netherlands will have the chance to be a part of the Showcase event, as well as receive free tickets for the entire conference and support for transport and accommodation.

The CIGRE NGN Netherlands is happy to invite NGN NL members to prepare and submit their abstracts of proposed presentations for the upcoming CIGRE 2021 Session to the, by 11th of January 2021.

Topics for abstracts/presentations need to align with one of the 16 CIGRE Study Committees. Abstracts will be scored on technical content, relevance to the selected Study Committee, and presentation of the material (structure, figures, etc.).

The candidates are asked to provide the following documents and information:

  • Synopsys (abstract), explaining your research briefly, based on the template from this link
  • Presentation, based on the template from this link
  • Your name, age, university/faculty or company position, and contact information

The candidates do not need to submit a full paper for this event, this is for a showcase of presentations only. Furthermore, the research should be novel and not already published elsewhere.

You must be a CIGRE NL NGN member to apply. To join CIGRE NL NGN, follow this link.

*Note: the final decision over whether a presenter can have a slot at the Paris Session will remain with the respective Study Committee chair.

**For any further questions, you may contact

Virtual CIGRE Matchmaking event – 26 november 2020

Are you a student or young professional? Join us at the virtual CIGRE matchmaking on 26 November from 16:00 -17:30. Do you want to make the next step and become more active in CIGRE? To learn how CIGRE works and how to contribute to a study committee or working group? Do you want to meet other colleagues interested in the same topics? Do you want to have a chat with experienced and accomplished CIGRE members about your future in CIGRE?

Registration closes on Thursday 19 November, 2020.

Webinar “Offshore Energy Hubs” on 11 November 2020 at 14:00 – 16:30

Register at: The CIGRE Next Generation Network Netherlands & Denmark organise the free Webinar “Offshore Energy Hubs” on 11 November at 14:00 – 16:30. This Webinar will provide insight into Offshore Energy Hubs from the experienced perspectives of academia and industry.


– Laurids M. B. Dall | Power System Engineer at Energinet Denmark
– Jose Luis Rueda Torres | Associate Professor at Technische Universiteit Delft
– Łukasz Kocewiak | Lead Power System Specialist and R&D Manager at Ørsted
– Maksym Semenyuk | Energy Markets & Technology Consultant at DNV GL

Click here for the full profiles of the speakers

CIGRE survey gender diversity & inclusion (time: 10min.)

Dear CIGRE member,

Link: Survey

As in CIGRE gender diversity & inclusion will become more and more important we would like to hear your experiences and opinion about this topic in relation to Stichting CIGRE Nederland.

In this survey you will be asked more generally about yourself and what Stichting CIGRE Nederland means to you and how we can support you. The gender diversity & inclusion topic will focus on the need of a Women in Engineering’s Network (WiE) in Stichting CIGRE Nederland.

As you may know several countries have a successful Women in Engineering’s Network in place. Just have a look at the CIGRE UK website

Our survey will be sent both to our male and female members to include as much as possible your experiences around this topic and to get valuable insights for our next steps.
We aim to have these insights ready end of October, so your time and input would be much appreciated before 8 October. It won’t take longer than 10 minutes of your time. 

Thank you so much already!

Link: Survey

Kind regards, 
Diana van den Heuvel | Vice-president 
Stichting CIGRE Nederland

CIGRE Blackout – 25 maart 2021 digitaal

Aanmelden, klik hier.

Hoe voorkomen we dat een black-out een totale knock-out wordt? Welke kritische risico’s spelen een rol? En welke impact hebben klimaatverandering, verouderde apparatuur en nieuwe technologieën daarop? Tijdens het digitale event op 25 maart 2021 staan deze vragen centraal op de agenda.

Overall view
Om black-outs te voorkomen, kunnen we niet anders dan de kennis van de verschillende CIGRE-studiecomités bij elkaar brengen. Alleen zo krijgen we een overall view van de risico’s en ontwikkelingen. Onder leiding van moderator Alan Croes | CIGRE NNC & TenneT belichten sprekers uit verschillende studiecomités en andere betrokken partijen, ieder met de eigen specifieke focus, het onderwerp Black-Out! 

Blok 1 – Changing landscape
Jeroen van Waes | CIGRE C4 & TenneT TSO & TU Eindhoven en Peter van Oirsouw | CIGRE C4 en C6 & Qirion geven een toelichting op het veranderende landschap en het belang van de aansluiteisen voor de systeemveiligheid.

Blok 2 – When Bytes meets Electrons (New technology)

  • De oplosrichting in ’Respons to challenges’ door Jan van Putten | CIGRE C2 (B4-38*) & TenneT TSO
  • Can cyber-attacks cause a black-out? Door Alex Stefanov | CIGRE D2 & TU Delft 
  • Hoe kan de voortgang van PMU’s in een WAMS de systeem Grid Operations ondersteunen? Door Pim Jacobs | TenneT
  • Wat betekent een 100% power electronics-based grid? Door Marjan Popov | CIGRE A3 en B5 & TU Delft
  • Digital Twin
    Peter Palensky | CIGRE NNC & TU Delft

Blok 3 – Ageing equipment (increased failure rate)

  • Huidige stand van zaken en de toekomstige ontwikkelingen van storingen
    Rik Luiten | Stuurgroep Nestor & Krado en Peter van der Wielen | CIGRE B1 & DNV GL 
  • Testing experience of component failures
    Rene Smeets | A3 & KEMA Laboratories

Blok 4 – Lessons Learned & Ownership

  • Wat zijn de lessons learned from the large disturbances and operational challenges ahead?
    Susana de Graaf | CIGRE C2 & TenneT TSO 
  • Ownership of Quality? Hoe gaan we daar mee om?
    Wessel Bakker | CIGRE Chair & DNV GL 

Het digitale event is van 12:30 – 16:10 uur. Bekijk hier het programma. De presentaties zijn in het Nederlands en de slides in het Engels. Aanmelden, klik hier.

De kosten zijn € 285,- (excl. 21% btw). Voor studenten is deelname gratis.

Je inschrijving is alleen schriftelijk te annuleren. Bij afmeldingen binnen drie weken voor aanvang zijn we helaas genoodzaakt het volledige inschrijfbedrag te berekenen. Vanzelfsprekend kan bij verhindering altijd een vervanger van jouw inschrijving gebruikmaken.

Vriendelijke groeten,
Stichting CIGRE Nederland

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Digitale CIGRE Key Take Away’s op 24 september

​Op 24 september organiseert Stichting CIGRE Nederland het tweejaarlijks CIGRE Key Take Away’s event. De Nederlandse studiecomites presenteren elk in dertig minuten de hoogtepunten en ontwikkelingen die tijdens de CIGRE Session besproken zijn. De presentaties zijn in Nederlands.

Meld je aan!

CIGRE Digitaal
Net als de CIGRE Session vindt ook ons event dit jaar digitaal plaats. Hieronder tref je het programma, deze is ook te vinden op de website.

Stichting CIGRE Nederland
Namens CIGRE Internationaal stimuleert en bevordert Stichting CIGRE Nederland in Nederland de uitwisseling van kennis op het gebied van het elektriciteitstransport en -opwekking op (inter)nationaal gebied. Binnen het kennisnetwerk werken bedrijven, organisaties, instituten en jong professionals samen.

CIGRE is in ruim 90 landen vertegenwoordigd en biedt daarmee een wereldwijd forum voor de ontwikkeling en open uitwisseling van kennis, informatie en expertise in de elektriciteitssector, die zowel technisch relevant als praktisch toepasbaar is voor de toekomst van elektrische energiesystemen. Voor onze leden biedt dit een unieke kans om zowel individueel als collectief, op nationaal én internationaal niveau, technische competenties verder te ontwikkelen en gezaghebbend, onbevooroordeeld technisch advies te versterken. Op onze website vind je meer informatie 

Vriendelijke groeten,
Stichting CIGRE Nederland ​