Study Committee members D2

D2 Information systems, telecommunications and cybersecurity
Scope: Within its technical field of activity, Study Committee D2 addresses topics throughout the application of current and future information and communication technologies (ICT) to the evolving end-to-end value chain of the electric power system. ICT equipment, architectures, security and governance including consideration of fundamental principles, design, specification, testing engineering, commissioning, performance, operation and maintenance aspects.

If you would like more information, or might be interested in playing an active role in the Study Committee, please contact the Chair of the Study Committee. 

MemberJacques van AmmersGE
MemberHarish KrishnappaDNV
MemberWilbert PrinssenTechnolution
MemberMaico BongersTenneT TSO
MemberHans DorstTenneT TSO
MemberJoey GodefrooiStedin
MemberErik SchenkelTenneT TSO
MemberAlex StefanovTU Delft
MemberLakshna KalpoeTenneT TSO
MemberBas KruimerDNV
MemberJalal BouhdadaApplied-Risk
MemberPascal JonkmanSiemens