D1 Materials and emerging test techniques

D1 Materials and emerging test techniques
Scope: To facilitate and promote the progress of engineering and the international exchange of in- formation and knowledge in the field of materials and emerging test techniques. To add value to this information and knowledge by means of synthesizing state-of-the-art practices and developing recommendations.

If you would like more information, or might be interested in playing an active role in the Study Committee, please contact the Chair of the Study Committee. 

ChairDennis van der BornTU DelftD.vanderBorn-2@tudelft.nl
SecretaryBabak GholizadTU Delft
MemberThomas AriaansKEMA
MemberMaarten van RietLiandon
MemberHenk GeenePrysmian
MemberHenk FonkSGB- Smit
MemberPeter ZonneveldStedin
MemberJohan SmitTU Delft
MemberTheo van RijnAlliander
MemberDennis van der BornDNV
MemberJacques van AmmersGE
MemberBallard Asare BediakoHAN
MemberJoke WestraHAN
MemberRuud HunikIWO
MemberCees MeijerIWO / RHM
MemberHerman SibbelMovares
MemberJan DeclerqSGB- Smit
MemberMarcel HooijmansStedin
MemberImre TannemaatTenneT
MemberJos SlangenTenneT
MemberShima Mousavi GargariTenneT
MemberPaul van NesTU Delft
MemberPeter YpmaTU Delft / IWO